Building the Exhibit


Contemplating the blank canvas.

Contemplating the blank canvas.

On April 13, 2015, we met at the Smithsonian Gardens Office to build Buzzzzzing Through Time. With the generous assistance of SI Gardens staff, we assembled a large 8′ X 2′ timeline panel and two side panels of introduction and conclusion texts.

A friendly bee guides the viewer through the timeline panel. Creating the perfect bee was essential to the design of the timeline.

A friendly bee guides the viewer through the timeline panel. Creating the perfect bee was essential to the design of the timeline.


We laid out a test panel to decide how large to create our text blocks.

We laid out a test panel to decide how large to create our text blocks.


We used Adobe InDesign to create the text panels. Ever resourceful, we re-purposed old panel-boards from the Smithsonian Gardens.


The printed text was cut to size.

The printed text was cut to size.

The timeline panel is nearly complete.

The timeline panel is nearly complete.


Constructing the introduction and conclusion side panels.

Constructing the introduction and conclusion side panels.

Intro Panel

Final version of the intro panel.

Final version of the conclusion panel.

Final version of the conclusion panel

The timeline images can be viewed individually here and the copyright and reproduction information is here. Information on the sources used to create the content of this exhibit can be found here and here


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